Top 5 Video-in-Email Tools to Boost Your Email Marketing

Oleksandr Rohovnin
Oleksandr Rohovnin

Content Writer

About the author

Published on: January 5, 2023

Last updated on: June 6, 2024

The power of a video email – also known as email video or videos in emails – is indisputable in email marketing. Almost half of all global businesses use videos in emails to convert more recipients. Even including the word ‘video’ in the subject line increases the open rate by 19% and reduces the unsubscribe rate by 26%.

But here’s the catch: very few email clients technically support embedded video, forcing you to learn to circumvent the drawback. In a nutshell, you will have to either use specific online tools for embedding a video in an email or simply add a thumbnail-powered link to it.

Read on to learn more about these two different email video marketing methods.

Technicalities to Know Before Using Video in Emails

Unfortunately, most email service providers — including Gmail — won’t play embedded videos but will display a fallback image instead (alas, embedding a video in Gmail isn’t a thing). Therefore, you need a compelling image for non-compatible browsers.

Email Clients Supporting Embedded Videos Email Clients Displaying a Fallback Image Instead
Apple Mail, Outlook for Mac, iOS 10+ Native Client, Samsung Galaxy Native Client, Thunderbird Android, AOL Mail, Gmail Android, Gmail iOS, Gmail Webmail, Lotus Notes, Outlook 2003-2016,, Outlook Android, Outlook iOS, iOS 9 Native Client, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Mail Android, Yahoo! Mail iOS

A natural idea would be to send a video as an attachment. Before doing so, ensure your ESP’s maximum email attachment size is enough to support the video. Here are the email-sending limits for the most popular ESPs.

Finally, ensure your subject line and CTA are spruced up for your email marketing campaign. Mention the video in the subject line and place your CTA in the most advantageous location — the end of the video for embedded videos and the most visible place for videos displayed in a different window.

Part 1. How to Embed Video in Email

Although embedded email marketing videos are rarely viable, they may work if most subscribers use compatible email service providers.

To embed an HTML5 video in an email, you can use <object> or <video> tags.

Here’s an example when using <object>:

Source: Email on Acid 

Here’s an example when using <video>, where“poster=” is your thumbnail, “src=” is your video, and “a href=” is your fallback image for browsers unable to support embedded videos:

Source: Email on Acid 

This is another example of an HTML5 code you can use in your video email:

<video width=”300″ height=”200″ controls>

<source src=”movie.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>

<source src=”movie.ogg” type=”video/ogg”>


Source: HubSpot

But then again, embedding video in email will likely require multiple adjustments so all your subscribers can get an equally pleasurable experience when viewing your email. You can move forward if you are tech-savvy and have a particular audience. Otherwise, inserting a link to the video is likely a better choice.

Part 2. How to Imitate Embedding While Only Linking to the Video

1. Create an Intriguing Thumbnail

The first thing the recipient sees after opening your email is a thumbnail, so make it count.

  • Use a screenshot from your video: Informative thumbnails attract more users, especially with persuasive overlain text.
  • Make your video look embedded even if it’s not: A play button on the image generates more clicks, even though some may wrongly expect the video to play directly in the email.
  • Create templates for a series of emails: Tailor-made templates will increase brand awareness, making recipients recognize you faster.

Lastly, avoid clickbait thumbnails that can potentially damage your reputation.

2. Link the Thumbnail to Your Email Marketing Video

Once you’ve designed the thumbnail, insert it into your email and add the link to where your video is stored (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).

Voila, you’re ready to send a compelling video email!

Why Are Links Better Than Embedding?

Although embedded videos provide a more natural experience, they are also disadvantageous in many regards.

  • First, only a few browsers support them, whereas most users still have to contend with a static fallback image.
  • Second, embedded videos are not insightful. Conversely, trackable links can bring you tons of valuable data.
  • Finally, embedded videos may cause deliverability issues since spam filters block non-standard video emails.

How To Make More Recipients Open Your Video Emails?

  • Use the word ‘video’ in the subject line: Let your subscribers know what’s inside without opening the email.
  • Persuade the recipients to watch the video: The ever-shortening attention span gives you only a few seconds to inform your readers about the content of the video email before they switch to something else. Having the video in the subject line will likely persuade your subscribers to proceed with opening the email.
  • Explain what will happen when they click the thumbnail: Recipients don’t want to be caught off-guard with Autoplay – when a video starts playing without consent – or an unexpected transition to a third-party website. Using language like ‘Click to Play’ will alleviate any tension from unsuspecting viewers.
  • Avoid clickbait and SPAM triggers: As tempting as it may be to use clickbait subject lines and thumbnails, make sure to live up to your recipient’s expectations. Clickbait can increase the open rate, but CTR and conversions will plummet. Also, avoid spammy uppercase symbols like “$$$$!!!!” or “GET PAID NOW” to ensure the deliverability of your video emails.
  • Bet on shorter videos: No one has time to watch a 20-minute promo. Instead, strip the content down to around 30 easily digestible seconds.

Best Tool To Embed Videos in Emails


One of the oldest and most reliable email marketing solutions, EyeMail allows you to embed ultra-high-definition (UHD) automatic-playing 60+ second videos in email, webmail, and mobile platforms with 15k capacity. EyeMail can also work with all ESPs, delivering equally great experiences for all video email recipients.


TailoredMail is one of the few automated tools for embedding videos in email.

Here’s how it works:

  • As the recipient opens your video email, the software detects their device, operating system, and ESP, delivering one of the 25 combinations of HTML5 video and coding formats and dynamic CSS to grant a seamless one-click-to-play experience within your video email.

The software also tracks the email subscriber’s behavior – how much of the video was viewed and how many times – allowing for multiple video email marketing improvements. For example, you can follow up with a sales video email for recipients who watched the previous video.

Price per Month

Customers & Fans Employees Agencies
$150 Custom quote Custom quote


MailChimp pulls a linked-to-the-video thumbnail image from your YouTube or Vimeo video and overlays it with a play button icon that redirects subscribers to a new window. For videos from sources other than YouTube and Vimeo, you must first upload an image to MailChimp’s content studio.


Biteable provides hundreds of animated video email templates across 15 categories, allowing users to create low-budget on-brand videos in a matter of minutes. Aside from email videos, you can create animated videos for Instagram ads, Facebook, presentations, commercials, cartoons, and more, all with basic editing. The unique link you get after creating a video can be used to embed the tape in your email or post it on your website or social media.

Price per Month

7-Day Trial Pro Plan Teams
Free $49 $99


BombBomb is an excellent service for sending video emails quickly. The Quick Send function, Google Chrome extension, and iOS and Android apps allow you to shoot and send videos instantly. You can activate your web camera, record the video, and compose your email, including the subject line and message.

Price per Month

Essentials Plus Enterprise
$33 $49 Custom quote

Likewise, you can use AWeber, Constant Contact, Keap, eLink, HubSpot, and many other email marketing solutions to insert links to videos in your emails while pulling the thumbnail previews from where the video is hosted.

Are GIFs a Viable Alternative To Embedded Videos?

GIFs may work for short and funny messages or specific audiences.

Source: GIPHY

Here’s how to attach a GIF to your email letter in Gmail (steps may differ for other providers),

  1. Copy the link to the GIF (you cannot copy-paste the GIF, as it will only display the first frame).
  2. Click ‘Insert Photo->Web Address (URL)’ in your email letter.
  3. Paste the GIF address: ‘Paste an Image URL here ->Insert.’

Voila, your GIF image is in the body of your email letter! Now you can change its location and size.

For ESPs that don’t support GIFs, you can use this code to display a fallback image:

/* Gif to be shown on all clients */

<!–[if !mso]><!–>

<img src=”supercool.gif”>


/* Static image specifically for Outlook */

<!–[if gte mso 9]>

<img src=”OutlookStaticimage.png”>


Source: Campaign Monitor

Last but not least, you can create GIFs yourself – for example, by using this guide and one of these tools – or even use a static image with a static or animated Play button put on top of it. This will entice viewers to click, giving you complete control when driving clicks and views.

Network With Top-Tier Email Marketing Professionals at MailCon 2023

Video content is just an atom in the vast email marketing universe. To know more about email marketing best practices,  join the MailCon community now and get ready for some unstoppable action at future events.

About the author

Oleksandr Rohovnin
Oleksandr Rohovnin

Content Writer

Oleksandr Rohovnin is a writer and expert in deep research around subjects in email and omnichannel marketing. He breaks down complex topics into easily digestible bite-sized segments to educate and inform any inquisitive mind through profound and delightful messaging.


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