About Us

Owned and operated by Phonexa, MailCon is a global community that connects marketers with the latest technology, trends, and strategies in email marketing, marketing automation, and affiliate and performance marketing.

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Our Mission

We aspire to inspire, empower, and enrich people’s lives and careers. By providing professional growth, networking, and thought leadership opportunities, our community and events connect and unite the global email marketing industry under one roof.


Each event unpacks and breaks down the latest technology, trends and strategies shaping email marketing, marketing automation and mobile and omnichannel marketing verticals.


Our team strives to provide the absolute best opportunities for professionals from all walks of life at MailCon events. We are passionate about creating and fostering a diverse community where marketers are empowered and armed for growth in their businesses and careers.

Kristen Haines



Trusted by

  • 5,500+

    Marketing professionals have attended MailCon events

  • 80

    Percent retention rate from attendees year-over-year

  • 300+

    Sponsors and partners since 2018

  • 200+

    Speakers, experts, and influencers have shared their wisdom

Our Audience

MailCon attendees are made up of leading marketing executives from a diverse mix of industries, including insurance, financial services, health care, travel, legal, automotive, consumer goods, and e-commerce, among many other verticals.

  • Seniority
  • Job Function
  • Industries
  • 37%

    • CEO / Presidents / Founders
    • CMO / CTO / CRO
    • COO / CSO / Board of Directors
  • 34%

    SVP/ VP/ Director
    • Marketing / Operations
    • Sales / Business Development
    • Affiliate Relations / Product
  • 17%

    Specialist/ Analyst/ Consultants
    • Deliverability Consultants
    • Marketing Consultants / Strategists
    • Marketing Performance Analysts
  • 12%

    Sr. Manager/ Manager/ Associate
    • Campaign & Marketing
    • Sales / Business Development
    • Affiliate Relations / Product
  • chart
    • 8% Operations
    • 4% Consulting
    • 3% Sales
    • 46% Marketing
    • 24% Business Development
    • 12% Technology
    • Automotive
    • Healthcare
    • Legal Services
      Legal Services
    • Insurance
    • Home Services
      Home Services
    • Business Services
      Business Services
    • Information Technology & Data Services
      Information Technology & Data Services
    • Financial Services
      Financial Services
    • eCommerce & Online Marketing
      eCommerce & Online Marketing
    • Travel, Leisure, & Tourism
      Travel, Leisure, & Tourism

Igniting Innovation & Community

Our events unite the largest in-person email industry gathering, providing the ideal opportunity to meet email marketers, advertisers, agencies, solutions providers, and more. Discover new email tech and find the best solutions to boost marketing performance.

Our unique event programming and content enable you to obtain real-life, insights-driven knowledge from email experts. From deliverability hacks to revenue and performance strategies to the latest email trends and updates on marketing compliance, there’s always something new to learn at MailCon.

We ensure every attendee receives unmatched value from our events by working closely with each sponsor, speaker, and attendee and gathering extensive feedback— demonstrating our commitment to empowering the careers of our community members.

Press Highlights

Want to know more about MailCon? We’d love to hear from you.
Please get in touch with us at [email protected]

November 8, 2023

Phonexa, MailCon Host Webinar at GURU Conference 2023


April 27, 2023

Top Takeaways, Trends & Developments from MailCon Las Vegas 2023


March 22, 2023

Phonexa Unites Performance Marketers at MailCon Las Vegas 2023, Introduces Inaugural SaaS Pitchfest


June 1, 2022

Phonexa, MailCon Successfully Unite Email & Omnichannel Marketers


January 18, 2022

Email & Omnichannel Communities Merge in Las Vegas


September 10, 2021

MailCon Unites Email Marketing Industry


September 9, 2021

Inaugural MailCon Meetup Takes Over Manhattan


August 9, 2021

Best Email Marketing Conferences 2021


July 27, 2021

ActiveProspect Receives MailCon Automation Choice Spotlight Award


December 12, 2020

MailCon: Email Trends Virtual Conference


Media Partnerships

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